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    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    The New Me! Jayy Bunny.

    I'm a new person now of days. I don't have all the old drama I used to have. I learned how to throw away grudges and just not hold them anymore. Let the past be the past and stop bringing it up. I made a new nickname for myself to start my new life, Jayy Bunny. The new me the new name. I feel like a totally different person. I realized I don't need you in my life to be happy and to be honest I'm kind of glad your gone, but it still hurts when I think of what used to be. I'm not going to lie it hurts alot. It was good while it lasted, but today is a new day. A better day for a new guy to come into my life and change my life once again. When I loved you I gave everything I have & I will get that chance to do it again with someone else. You're not the only guy I can get so don't even begin to think that.
    The old Jakayla would put up with bullshit from other people. I used to let people walk all over me and take advantage of me. Not now I have a backbone. I'm not afraid to snap if you get in my face now of days. I am a new girl and I need new and true friends. I got a couple who I can talk to if I really need something. I am so tired of people's drama and how they bring it around me. I'm done with childish highschool games.

    I reinvented my self and so should you!

    Tuesday, November 3, 2009

    Bob Marley Has the Best Advice! ;]

    I've been reading through quotes for my myspace that pretty much tells my life and how I feel. I found a couple quotes that just blew me out of the water. Definatley the one about love. All I seem to find are the bad guys. Guys who use me and don't do shit for theirselves. I found this quote that says:

    Then I find one about life that blows my mind. It is so impowering to me. Bob Marley is one of the smartest man in the world. Even smarter than the President of the United States. No offense Obama.

    He is just so smart. :] Where have these quotes been all my life. There's this shit going on in my life it's crazy. I need to collect my thoughts and be a better person. I need a good guy, but I realized that I need to live by these quotes to make my life way better. I feel so impowered when I read those quotes. I am so good to other people and I deserve that back. Don't I? I met this guy he seems guinuene. He seems like a really good person. Only time will tell.

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Life Isn't Like a Movie. There are No Play, Rewind, Fast Foward and Stop Buttons.

    Starting tomorrow I'm starting my new life. NO drama included. I am kicking out the old and bringing in the new. I am a new person. You made me the new person I am. I deserve way better than what guys have given me. I am a great person and I'm now starting to realize my self worth. I am starting to love myself and stand up for myself again. The old entries had a lot of drama but, not this time. All me 100% of the time. NO guys that are temporary. Maybe guys who are permanant. Maybe just maybe. I feel so much better about myself. I have grown up alot over this last month. I'm learning how to do things for myself and not let other people take care of me. I'm doing my own shit now. NOT relying on other people is nice. I get more respect that way to. I realized I'm grown and I can't live like i'm 12. I'm almost 20 & I better start acting like it. I'm still on the hunt for a job but, I will find one. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

    That's all from me tonight. See you tomorrow!